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spider karma

The theory that how you treat spiders affects how they treat you.

Jane: OMG I have so many spiders in my house these days. This morning I woke up with one in my hair and then a massive hairy one dropped into my cereal. I have to move.
Lesley: You must have bad spider karma. What did you do?
Jane: Umm... I used to use hairspray and a lighter on them. I didn't know any better.
Lesley: Harsh. You deserve it.

by spideykiller August 20, 2009

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The Spider-Man of (Earth-138).
Also known as Hobie (Hobart Brown) he is know as an anarchic.
Voiced by Daniel Kaluuya in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

โ€œI'm not a hero cause calling yourself a hero makes you self mythologizing narcissistic autocrat!" - Spider-Punk

Bro Spider-Punk is actually so clutch helping out Miles.

by H0ldenlol June 5, 2023

Spider Baby

Based on the cult film by Jack Hill.
An incredibly attractive young woman who is into stuff that is so kinky you might die.

"Man Virginia is hot."
"Dude stay away she's a Spider Baby."

by CultPhenomenon November 16, 2012

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Dead Spider

The ultimate way to fully empty the scrote whilst blowing one's load and sending the male into a blissful, euphoric state. This can be achieved by curling the 4th and little fingers (which should be the only 2, not throttling the ferret) and intermittently pulsating them in order to make slight but firm contact with the testes (preferably the right hand nut). This technique, once perfected, has been known to cause multiple days off work in a row.

Man, what a shit week at work I've had, a little dead spider should pick me up for the weekend!

by feral_wombat69 January 12, 2014

the spider man

The act of a man ejaculating in his hand and flicking it in his woman's face like a spider web.

JD gave sally the spider man on her face in a fantastic fit of passion.

by Bukkake the porno clown November 9, 2006

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barking spider

A highly elusive nocturnal specie of spider mainly from the Tennessee area (also known as the Tennessee barking Spider). While no live specimens have been caught in order to be studied, this is the only spider known to man with the capability to "bark". These spiders are attracted by the scent of bratwurst and sourcrout and also been known to emerge on taco tuesdays. While you may not see them, you will hear them and at times feel them scurrying through the couch cusions. They do use a foul odor as a defensive mechanism. Beware the silent Tennessee barking spider, it is a deadly sub-specie and should be avoided at all costs.

Holy Shit! Call pest control. We seem to have an infestation of Tennesse Barking Spiders. I think Bill just got hit by a silent one cause I see him convulsing in the corner.

by Rick C. May 11, 2005

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Shed Spider

A secluded freak that is afraid to leave the comfort of his mother womb (web).

Sawyer, will you please stop being a shed spider and go find a girlfriend or eat a dick?

by Hoopla42 December 22, 2014