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Starfish Squishee

n. after having the anus/rectum probed by an unprotected penis and having the anal cavity filled with the associated deposit of seminal fluid, the recipient of the load squats over the face of the depositor and relieves their violated rectum of the deposited load and any other associated solids/bodily fluids they may have built up in the chute. Not only has the willing anus provided the violater with carnel pleasure and release, the provision of the ejected material also provides them with nourishment.

Hey man, thanks for letting me smash your ass - great ride - spewed SO much cock snot in your cornhole. One thing though, before the next Starfish Squishee, can you make sure you don't eats nuts - I have an allergy.

by cookie1964 February 15, 2013

12๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Verb; To confront someone with an accusation of their wrongdoing.

i.e. Be all up in their face like a starfish

"I think Salvadore is lying to us, i'm gonna call him and starfish him."

"I starfished Toni and she admitted she was wrong"

by orth2067 October 19, 2013

2๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

starfish sex

Sex in missionary position where girl lays inactive on bed with her legs spread.

He was expecting it to be steamy sex like from porno movies, but all he got was starfish sex.

by usernamekiran August 12, 2016

338๐Ÿ‘ 97๐Ÿ‘Ž

starfish kisses

(1) the marks left on a bed after a particularly messy round of anal sex.

(2) The act of kissing the starfish, or analingus, performed by either a man or a woman, on either gender.

"Jenna left me starfish kisses after last night's fuckfest... Can you believe that nasty bitch?"

You liked those starfish kisses I gave you last night in the shower, didn't you? I knew you liked being rimmed... You just had to try it.

by Azaroth A. February 28, 2006

55๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

russian starfish

Whereby gentleman fist's his lady's axe wound and once fully inside releases that fist to fully open up all five fingers into the shape of a starfish.

Man, you should've seen the look on my German girlfriend's face when she woke up in the middle of the night to find a russian starfish up her.

by Vladimir Bundaberg July 14, 2006

98๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fighting Starfish

The "fighting starfish" is when one individual rubs their anus against the anus of a second (consenting) individual. It is similiar to the act of "scissoring"- which typically occurs between two vaginas. The "fighting starfish" is more inclusive than scissoring because anyone can participate so long as they have an anus.

Person 1: "What did you do on your date last night?"
Person 2: "Well, Stan and I tried out the fighting starfish..."
Person 1: "Whats that?"
Person 2: "It is when two consenting adults rub their anuses together. It is like scissoring, but more inclusive."
Person 1: "Oh, that sounds like fun."

by Cricketboots September 8, 2012

starfish the bed

The Act of spreading one's arms and legs in bed, taking up as much room as possible.

As soon as she gets up for work I starfish the bed.

by mantrum November 22, 2017