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Another word for “swag” or “cool

“My mom got me an Xbox
“Pretty swish, my dude

by Swishman November 29, 2020


Form of speaking words of truth

The man spoke swish

by Johnny gutierrez April 8, 2019


A descriptor applied to a feminine man. See also: the sound most pants make when you walk, or according to some people, the sound that some long or large skirts make when they’re moved around.

That dude’s such a swish in his swishy skirt. Fxkin’ hot, amirite?

by zealasquigs October 20, 2022

Sushi Swish

Almost like a 69. It includes three male partners, laying sideways on a bed or floor. They form a circle and simultaneously performing very wet blow jobs, or felacio of some sort.

(Typical College Jocks) Friend 1:Yeah bro! Me, Rick, and Jim had a Sushi Swish till we were numb! Friend 2: Dude thats awesome!

by lilJayer February 18, 2011


A commonly used term refferring to objects, people or food types that are characteristically high in fat, cholesterol, bitterness and are just nasty all the way to the core. Something termed "swish-ilicious" can commonly give you very sticky fingers.

Boy: "I just got dumped over the phone by my long standing partner, so naturally I'm going to eat some chicken that is dripping with fat."

Boy's Friend: "Oh dude! That's so swish-ilicious!"

by YourMotherBrokeMyStairs June 10, 2011

swish lover

After changing the name of his 7th solo album from So Help Me God to SWISH, Kanye began to develop all new songs throughout mid-late 2015 meant for the album, with most of them eventually making it onto the final release of The Life of Pablo. Kanye also continued to work on many So Help Me God and Yeezus 2 tracks, but by the end of 2015 and the start of 2016, Kanye had dropped most of these tracks from the tracklist for SWISH, which began to resemble the final TLOP tracklist strongly.

dude ur a swish lover ong

by Minoa January 9, 2025

swishful thinking

A gay man having or expressing a desire or hope for a man whom they find attractive to be gay.

John: Nick Offerman is so sexy. I swear one day I'm going to make out with him.

David: John, you can quit your swishful thinking right now. You know he's straight right?

by RUFFDOG April 12, 2016