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One Sneaky Boi

me: oh a triangle
guy2: thats one heck of a sneaky boi

Basic Math vs One Sneaky Boi

by Eb0t March 8, 2018


The one world government.

The (Illuminati)...One world government print the money and only care about power and control over the human mind.

by ANONYMOUSLY WOKE August 25, 2022




by DottiXE June 14, 2019


Jordinly Renee Barker and Jesus Herod Christ as the one world government of the future. They're GOD together male and female 1 god (Jordinly is Jesus Christ). They're also basically every celebrity that exists and PLEIADIAN starseeds. I know and believe that this is a gift from Jesus to his wife. His wife is very nice and included everybody by making it the one world government. Coming Soon is what they say.

The Illuminati secret has been exposed!

by Anonymous.411 May 15, 2023


A Dorito chip that went rogue and gained supernatural abilities to brainwash the masses of people. Due to this, it has caused many victims to make religions based off the supernatural Dorito chip, worshipping it, and went as far to blame many unexplained events in history onto the Dorito chip, also claiming that some brainwashed victims turned into reptiles. Some people even put it as an image on the back of the dollar bill, as a remembrance of the Dorito chip's bravery to think for itself. Later, many called the chip the Illuminati.

Brainwashed victim: The president is a friggin reptile because of the Illuminati!!!!
Another person: *crunch crunch* mmmm, cheesy chip.

by BobWade1234 April 25, 2022


the people that rule the world

I am the illuminati.

by Big Puffball May 8, 2022


people claiming to possess special enlightenment or knowledge of something.
"some mysterious standard known only to the illuminati}

of the organization"

dude:1 why are we acting like zombies around this pyramid

dude:2 illuminati

by Handled22 July 18, 2019