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Bronze Monkey

A variation of the Brass Monkey (Which is Old English 800 drunk to the top of the label then filled up with orange juice)
Where you take the OE and drink it to the top of the label...then filling it with iced tea

I was all outta OJ so instead of Brass monkey, I had to go with the bronze Monkey

by PeteyPij November 1, 2009

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bronze, silver,golden

rating system for the fineness of women
bronze being lowest silver second gold is top

friend1:man you see that girl over there she is golden
friend2:man she is barley silver
friend3: man your both crazy she is totally a bronze
random guy: oh you guys are rating her on the bronze, silver,golden scale

by threex August 14, 2008

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Chiseled Bronze Man-God

A dominant male figure possessing both the chiseled, muscular physique and the sound, intelligent mind necessary to defeat you in all aspects of life.

"What do Tony Danza, Brad Pitt, Bear Grylls, Lebron James, and Jason Bourne all have in common?"
"They could all kick my ass?"
"Yes, because they're all Chiseled Bronze Man-Gods."

by Sheriff Pitter October 24, 2008

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animal planets international dog show bronze medalist

Wesley Hernandez.

Wes you look like animal planets international dog show bronze medalist

by Chris Yepello June 4, 2011

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Bronze Fist

Is similar to an Iron Fist but more lenient than said fist

Guy 1: Did you hear the dictator is allowing more things lately?
Guy 2: Yeah, he's ruling with a bronze fist now.

by TheProtoFurry September 22, 2022

Bronze player

An individual who lacks skill and/or talent in video games

Dude, we wrecked that bronze player last night!

by Captinpickel January 15, 2016

Bronze Player

A massive bronze that is bad at rl and someone who sucks Your Local Guides small peen and nuts over feet. Massive bronze.

That silverbronze over there can't even air dribble, what a bloody bronze player

by YourLocalFootWanker January 14, 2021