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a person that ignore the warns of multiple people doing the same job and failing, just to get the same outcome. Eventually leading to their resignation or firing from that position.

Alright now looking at you being such a meadows.

by j.spyder July 14, 2020


She is very smexy and loves her bf very much,she thinks roblox is for children and is a skinny legend 🌶

meadow is so smexy

by bootynagger June 23, 2021


Meadow is a girl who is funny, quirky and very stubborn. She will not be happy with you in the slightest of things even if you laugh when she gets moved. She is unique and very bossy, not popular but tanned and has amazingly smart hair.

“Uno meadow

“She’s ignoring me
“Why do you think?”
“Because I laughed when she was shipped with someone else”

by Hshsjskdokd June 26, 2019


Meadow is a girl you to love to stay around she loves tik toks and can party her but off. She can be kind when she wants but she could be a pain. Meadow is very pretty and she the kind that would get high at a party. She wants a great man her life and you should be lucky to have a meadow.

“Is that your girl she can party” she has to be a meadow.

by Jessica Mathews May 14, 2020


The most annoying person you will ever meet. Teachers pet, and know it all. Always has chapped lips and always has her mask down.

Meadow - hi
You - no

by Pussycatdarla245 December 27, 2022


That one short redhead that likes 2 things;
Being obnoxious
Liking 2 people at the same time

1: Ewww is that meadow
2: yeah, she should make up her mind on if she likes Aiden or Landen

by Reddit_Mod28 June 4, 2020


Coined by the legendary morning show Dave & Chuck the Freak, a lady's meadow is her perineal area, commonly known as the taint/gooch/duck butter.

"He loved her tongue on his taint, so he laid her down and licked her meadow"

by TheMacMomma July 14, 2021