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bimbonic plague


A horrible plague like pheonmena sweeping throuogh the worst fed, worst dresesd, least intelligent, and McD obseesed, country of the known universe, AMERICA.


As far as its scope, its like the black plague that afflicted europe way back then. (when they didnt have MTV *gasp*)
It affects mainly the girls of the good 'ole U-S-OV-A.

As far as symtons go its like AIDs, bad.


Symtoms include:(but not limited, also list not entirly cataloged, thanks to massive and constant mutation of the plague strains otherwise known as "fads".)

-Exessive blond hair.
-Growth in at least 2 places *cough*
-Developing a condition called: DITz
-Beer belly lmao.
-Part of the dumbing down of america
-Infected Persons: "bimbo"
-Urge to wear shirts 2 sizes to small
-Reason for the size 0 pants.
-Stoopid Stoopid Stoopid
-Gave the color pink a whole new meaning (ITS FUCKING EERYEHERERERERE)
-Pink is the new black and there loving eachother (you never see pink on shirts w/o black)
-Overly dyed, falling out hair.
-167.9% PREP
-the reason Abercrombie is a sucessful company
-Urge to form 'clicks' with other infected persons. (eg: stoopid ppl)
-Hitting annonomously on Rap ppl


-Breaking a nail
-Not showering for 5 minutes
-the mall being nuked
-(death of rich parents)
-Napalm applied to infected persons house
-Week old cloths
-Cell phone bannage! (aka, Ur Cell phone minutes just... got... BELEETE"D!!!!)
-Surgicaly removing the word "like" from said persons english vocabulary(/smallish brain)
-AIM being permenantly BELEETE"D from said persons computer.
-An AIM virus

Known Causes:

-teenage yrs
-Rap (pretening thier black actaully almost the exact opposite)

TheDailyShow: Lately the bimbonic plague has been sweeping america.

by Checkov- May 11, 2005

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Brobrahnic Plague

The Brobrahnic Plague. Usually used in relation to bros in abundance, or in relation to most frat houses. Constant audible usage of the words bro, brah, pussy, fagot, dude, tight, and sick. Beer pong tournaments, afflicted or tapout t-shirts, backwards fitted baseball caps, bud light, and biddies.

"Damn son, it's the mother fucking brobrahnic plague up in this bitch... and look at all these biddies."

by Cobra Machine-gun March 25, 2010

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The Black Plague

In rare cases, The Black Plague has been known to be a fast, strong, and ridiculously evil looking beast. It can strike fear in people, just by the sight of it. It's ability to deminish all sense of pride, is known to be extremely contagious. Approach with caution.

Man1- "Wow that guy looks so sad and down, what happend"
Man2 - "He ran across The Black Plague"

by sammyg31 February 5, 2010

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Plagued Doctor

A person that knows the truth about society and knows we are fucked they wear a plague doctor mask to hide their face to be anonymous.

Dude Bob has been acting like a plagued doctor and been shouting in the town for hours

by dang Crow January 11, 2018

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Boobonic Plague

A bacteria-born illness that ravaged Europe during the late Middle Ages, also known as the Black Death. Symptoms include the growth of black spots known as β€œbooboes” and the development of (chicken) tender lymph nodes.

β€œHey, where’s Janet?”

β€œOh, she got the Boobonic Plague.”

β€œWow that sucks.”


β€œLet’s go play some Smash Bros.”

by PeterGriffinSansUndertale October 13, 2018

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The Black Plague

Followers of Rebecca Black are said to have the "The Black Plague". Similar to Bieber Fever because they are both dreadful singers and they have a fan base that consists of paedophiles and teenage girls. Rebecca Black is the 13 year old artist who rose to infamy in March of 2011.

A: "I totally have the The Black Plague"

B: "Yeah totally"


by Crazydane125 March 30, 2011

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orange plague

The Orange Plague has been known throughout time to infect water supplies through the prpulsion jets in pools. Once infected with the ejaculated seed of the the plague, small mutated amoeba creatures emerge. The creatures grow into full fledged humans. The full effects of the plague have been achieved when the human offspring of the plague are enslaved as sexual offerings to the almighty BurPenis of Kevin.

The Orange Plague destroyed my crops, villages, sex life, and career

by Dr. Nilbog July 3, 2017

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