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Victim Of Authority

A great band from Charlotte, NC.

Victim Of Authority is fronted by a bass player named Brady.

by Band VOA August 23, 2011

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victim role

When someone wants to play the submissive and passive role in sex.

I want to play the victim role. Can you victimize me please?

by tory borty November 8, 2013

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victim envy

When one professional victim sees another getting attention in the media, and starts posting messages to try and draw attention back to themselves.

Suey Clark started tweeting her victim envy as soon as she saw Anna Sokozian talking about internet harassment on the Colbert Report.

by qzz November 1, 2014

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Victim card

A card that always use by army(Bts fan) when they attack every artist in every platform, when people start to clapback they act like pure angel meanwhile they all are evils.

Army: victim card is their father

by November 7, 2020

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rape victim

1. unwilling penis-treatment recipient

2. someone who gets pwnt in a game so bad it feels like rape

dude, check that rape victim slapping himself for team dragging!

by happychap September 20, 2008

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Chatter victim

Someone who has to put up with one's non-stop/constant/droning chatter. In other words, a person who "deals" with extremely talkative people can be viewed as a chatter victim.

Omg, my teacher would not stop talking. I was totally his chatter victim in class today.

Chatter victims need therapy as long as they get to ironically victimize the therapist as the chatter victim.

My Aunt talks too much and causes for anyone in a 5ft radius to become her consequent chatter victim.

by LingDanc803 March 24, 2023

Apex victim

In a social narrative:

The opposite of Apex-predator= A predator who is at the top of (any social narrative) who cannot be preyed upon by any other person.

Apex victim= A victim at the bottom of (any social narrative) who cannot not victimize anyone else.

-Victimized people can often think they are the Apex victim; No one can claim to be more of a victim than they are or else they will bully others until recognized as such. The victim creates more Victims.

-There is a possibility that any person can become a predator and/or prey.

Likewise any person can become a victim and/or an abuser.

Some people think they are the apex victims, but they just bully others around until they get what they want.

Tom Tells Jim his sad story but before he can get it all out Jim one-ups him claiming he's the Apex Victim.

John 8:7,
7-`He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
9-"And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst."
10-`he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?
11-"She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more."

by Grue_Feathermoon December 3, 2021