Person who has a skill relevant to cricket but is not actually good at cricket
Person who even though are named in the team, and takes the field, doesn't actually play cricket
Person who tries to hit everything for six during practice, but is a liability Saturday
Person who bowls fast in the nets by overstepping the crease intentionally, usually looses 20 KMS and bowls pump on a Saturday
" I bowled to that guy tonight and he just kept hitting me for six, he can really bat" ... "Don't let him fool you, he's a wacky joe, on a Saturday he does that and is out pretty early"
"Crumpet, stop bowling no balls at training, no wonder you can't get it on the pitch, your a wacky joe!"
"I get that your hand eye is great but this isn't golf, when you start playing cricket I'll think about picking you, you play 4's because your a wacky joe"
When you flirt with an Uber or Lyft driver.
Today my friend Ally was Wacky Licking my Uber driver.
Coronavirus already has a connotation in everyday interactions, once it’s uttered people freak out and start babbling on about toilet paper and ”flattening the curve.” The Wacky Macaroni is a much more fun euphemism as opposed to it’s scientific name, COVID-19.
Jimothy: Why can’t you come out with us this Saturday?
Izzy: It’s because mom is paranoid about The Wacky Macaroni, she won’t even let me walk the dog!
Jimothy: Well try to work your magic on and convince her, tell her we’ll all bathe in sanitizer if it helps.
A song that would be great in a swing tempo.
Wacky Workbench? More like Wanky Workbitch.
When Ryan remove eyetest from poin of sale:
It's easy peasy, It's hacky wacky
An uneven ballsack . When one testicle sits lower than the other.
That guy I hooked up with had a wacky sack
when your comfys are all in a pile.
Jaddy Daddy: “my pajamas are wicky wacky! HELP!”