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Hot Cheeto Regret

When you eat hot cheetos and your poop becomes a red ,burning, and uncomfortable. Also can happen with Takis

Guy 1: Man, why were you in the bathroom for so long, where you fapping?

Guy 2: Nah dawg, nah, i had a bag of hot cheetos earlier-

Guy 1: Ahh, Hot Cheeto Regret?

Guy 2: Mmmm yup.

by mmmmmmmmmmmmcheese May 16, 2011

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Post-parking regret

The feeling one gets when a parking space, or multitude thereof, much closer to the destination than the one used is discovered. Usually followed by a logistical debate over the decision to move the car into one of the superior spaces.

"Hey, there's a crapload of spaces over there!"
"Aww, that's some serious post-parking regret."

by Hbriz November 2, 2011

After nut regret

When you cum to really questionable porn that was hot while you were watching it, but now you see how disgusting it was

Man: what’s wrong with you
Man 2: i watched this video a girl eating cream off another girls butthole and now I have after nut regret

by Heartbestill34 November 12, 2019

Star Power Regret

When playing guitar hero, the instance sense of regret one feels when activating the star power feature in a song area with little to no notes.

Man, that spot had no notes, got total star power regret now!

by mellyjojo February 25, 2011

Big Mac regret

When you sit down to eat something at McDonald's and immediately wish you'd gone for a Big Mac instead.

Friend: Hey dude, why aren't you eating your McNuggets? Not hungry?
You: *Sigh* I knew I shouldn't have gone for this. Now I've got serious Big Mac regret.

by scottmckenzie February 6, 2018

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AB Regret

noun; the sensation felt after one indulges himself into a meal at Applebee's; sensations include dizziness, vomiting, extreme headaches, obesity, and explosive diarrhea.

"yo, shoob, wanna go mini-golfing?"
"nawh man, i can't, i feel sick and am suffering from ab regret.

by damnnnbabygirl July 11, 2009

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Instant Regret

When you fart immediately after getting out of the shower, thereby negating its effects.

"Aww, man!" "What?" "I just got out of the shower, and i think that fart was wet... Instant Regret"

by ~Aesop~ October 9, 2009

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