A married woman or man who does not have to work to help his/her family financially survive. He/she may choose to work part-time or full-time but does so from a hobbyist point of view. He/she may enter and leave the workforce on a whim.
Even though a yoga-spouse may or may not be a parent, he/she is a care-free individual who has sufficient time to workout or socialize whenever he/she pleases. Financial burdens are far from his/her purview.
Amy quit her stressful job to spend more time at yoga class and socialize with her friends thus becoming a yoga-spouse.
Idk I just typed in random words but
I made this definition from the top of my head sorry if this isn't what it means
Emily: hey Rebecca how was the candy crush yoga totals?
Rebecca: I got a 19282819,292918189 score, so it went great!
so it like scores
The act of recovering your rectal shape after a severe session of bummage
"god last night made me scream, i spent all this morning doing my rectal yoga"
The Yiddish word for a person's privates is tush /or tushy for a light hearted twist. Masturbation can be uncomfortable to talk about so one family have been known to refer to it sensitively as tushy yoga.
Mum: What are you doing Rivky? 3 year old Rivky: I'm doing tushy yoga Mum: stop that right now
Fella who loves spandex and loves to express his body
Once a stiff nucklehead the yoga ite feels the freedom of wearing tights and reaching his potential
Girlfriend: ok babe I’m off to my impact yoga
Boyfriend: ok be careful this time hun you had bruises from the last time
When you yoga with chairs
(AKA sit on the chairs)
Chair. Yoga
“I love chair yoga”