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Cat Power

The Billie Holiday of indie music. Characterized by a raw, mellow sound and brilliant lyrics.

Cat Power writes the best lyrics; her writing leaves one in awe.

by SeaOfLove July 17, 2011

11๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

cat scratch

The two or three lines shaved into a person's eyebrow. It originally was gang related but now is usually done to look super trendy and insanely cool.

girl1: "Hey you know that kid Eric? He just got a cat scratch in his eyebrow."
girl 2: "yeah i know. he's sooo cooool, i wanna be his friend."

by chiize November 10, 2010

119๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž

China Cat

The drug Heroin (high potency).

"I got some nice China Cat for a good price"

by junkyman420 March 13, 2004

27๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

bow cat

pussy licker AKA going down on a gal.

Are you gona bow cat me, then?

by lil saint March 29, 2005

388๐Ÿ‘ 233๐Ÿ‘Ž

witch's cat

A link with the real world and the spiritual world. A familiar that travels on the other side - can be used good or evil depending on the Cat's owner, type of magic, message or mission the cat is send on. Witch's cats communicate with the dead since of all the animals they are the most senitive to the deads' presence. Usually a black or darker cat with intelligence and an attitude - not your normal house cat.

The witch's cat is a holleween favorite and a witch usually has one close at hand.

The witch's cat picked up his ears and refused to go into that room, he was aware of the spirits that were there.

by D M McElreath May 30, 2006

25๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hobie Cat

something that is incredibly fucking awesome. When you see something that is amazing, you just scream HOBIE CAT with all your might to show respect.

You witness a live abortion: THAT WAS HELLA FUCKING HOBIE CAT

by Tyler Ramone April 10, 2008

52๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

fixing the cat

"Curiosity killed the cat (but satisfaction brought her back)"; for one party to make a "safe haven" for human's natural curiosity to explore all sorts of disgusting, dangerous, devious and distructive things.
Possibly most examplified by television, which allows the viewer to witness and enjoy drama, crime, scandal, murder, sex, and a literal plethora of things they otherwise wouldn't dare enjoy because of social pressures not to "be that guy", laws enforcing the opposite, or general consumer laziness, as well as the unlikelyhood of ever being in that situation.
Because the viewer's natural curiosity is now satisfied, the "cat" of the old saying is "brought back" and can continue to be a normal, upstanding citizen.

My friend always watches those crimedramas on TV. I think she's just fixing her cat, I bet she'd steal something if she wasn't so afraid of police.
Those old people, they're always fixing the cat by watching soaps. They've been out of the dramacircit too long to have any real scandals.

by JesterM September 11, 2005

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