Karen is a type of white American middle age woman, they are extremely annoying and people often call them "bitch ass karen". They sues everything without a proper reason.
Ex. A Karen sues a dog, because the dog had pooped and that smell went into karen's nose.
They have no life, they live their life to destroy someone else's life.
Karens can only be tamed by money.
"I had a bad Day today, I encountered a wild Karen in the grocery store, she tried to sue me for farting."
A person, typically female that starts arguments online with random people and then reports their retorts.
"Man, this karen really came up on my post, throwing shade and attitude and then reported me for clapping back"
A crazy woman who yells at cashiers and wanting to speak to the manager.
Karen is a bitch. She took the fucking kids AGAIN
Karen-I’m taking the fucking kids again
Karen is a bitch. She took the fucking kids AGAIN
Karen-I’m taking the fucking kids again
Karen is a bitch. She took the fucking kids AGAIN
Karen-I’m taking the fucking kids again