The last word in a discussion or argument is when two parties are competing to be the one to speak last. Last word is only won by the way it is started. If originated in person it can only be won in person, if originated over a verbal phone call then it can only be won over a verbal phone call. If originated in a text message it can only be won in a text message.
I got the last word in this argument.
15๐ 7๐
A positive affirmation like yeah A ghetto flavored slang which shouldn't be used by little wack posers who try to act down with everything.
Kevin: Eyo Mike you saw that ungrateful he-bitch? He stole those ketchup package from the counter and ran.
Mike: Werd that shit's twisted.
25๐ 15๐
The universe it perfect. There is no meaning to any words, but some have less meaning than others. Please see the undictionary. The most meaningless are the negative words which not only have no reason for existence in this perfect universe, but are used to control people and make them feel inferior. Anything said using negative words could be said another way. There are also no positive words, as these are the opposite of negative words, and are used for the same reason, but in the opposite manner.
These are some examples of "negative words" that are pure power words used to control people. Inferior, wrong, stupid, bad, evil, sorry, crime, delinquent, dumb, foolish, grotesque, harm, fear, gastly, horrible, idiot, lame, mean, poor, queer, invalid, looser, malevolent, heinous, hideous.
87๐ 74๐
"Sorry, I can't hook that up for you."
"Thats word."
14๐ 8๐
A person who is not clever enough to come up with a witty quip during internet conversation. Instead they must resort to finding fault with a posters spelling and grammar or lack there of. Though a word Nazi may do well in academic pursuits they generally lack spirit and soul, and will most likely end up in hell or at very least in bad marriages.
Susan was having a wonderful time in her chat group until the word Nazis should up.
58๐ 47๐
The longest word in the English language according to Guinness is FLOCCINAUCINIHILIPILIFICATION. The lung disease one is the longest unnofficial word, cos it's a compound scientific term, and it's possible to make sceintific names stupidly long, like the 1700+ character one, but that's neverbeen in a dictionary.
The longest word entered in a dictionary anywhere is Swedish, and it's NORDOSTERSJOKUSTARTILLERIFLYGSPANINGSSIMULATORANLAGG-
INLAGGSFORBEREDELSEARBETEN, which means "preparatory work on the contribution to the discussion on the maintaining system of support of the material of the aviation survey simulator device within the north-east part of the coast artillery of the Baltic."
59๐ 48๐
Thanks to a shity gaming company otherwise known as EA. The M-word is otherwise known as microtransactions. Other commonly used references are micro gambling.
EA: We need to punch loyal gamers in the dick, but how?
DICE: Please dont say the M-word..
DICE: Welp...
EA: The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishments for unlocking different Heroes.
Reddit: Nope!
28๐ 21๐