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Pot Interest

A superficial interest in an obscure subject, often motivated by the consumption of weed.

Bobby: Maybe Joe knows the answer to your astronomy homework question

Tim: No f**g way, that's just his pot interest.

by corporate bastard July 31, 2011


The act of giving or recieving a footjob while wearing the popular rubber footwear know as crocs

Hey man this girl last night gave me a croc-pot last night and my dick is raw and smells of sour milk

by TGOD123 April 21, 2011


one who is paranoid after 2 many hits 4rm weed

I was so Pot-anoid after i took a hit from the bong dat i was scared 2 leave my house.

by DeDo December 11, 2007


When a guy doesn’t know how to use his dick properly so he fucks you as if his dick is a spoon scraping the remnants of a yoghurt pot

Fuck sake, Im so sick of getting fucking yoghurt-potted by these fucking yoghurt-potting fucksticks

by Lurge October 5, 2020

tosh pot

A British word for stupid,ass hole,shit head,fucker,barf bag and dumb bitch

You the biggest TOSH POT i ever new!

by Ilovedracotothemoonandback November 16, 2020

tosh pot

A old British word for stupid ,ass ,idiot , pice of shit,dick head and fucker. I believe :)

Your the biggest TOSH POT i ever knew.

by Ilovedracotothemoonandback November 16, 2020

Pot points

Money that you make, save, and spend, only for pot(marijuana)

Person 1: man I've been selling all my shoes just to cop some pot points, I'm all dry!
Person 2: same brother I know the feelin'

by Richard the dude May 17, 2017