Two badass muhfuckkas from the T-Dot who be teaching fuckaz whut its all about
Double D Unit REP-RE-SENT... WHAT!!
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A school designed to be utter hell but to fortify your future where other academy grads provide you jobs regardless of your competence. Midshipmen training includes condescension, premature judgments, and spreading pain previously received by the trainer because "it happened to them." Lieutenants act like Admirals and Senior midshipmen act like Lieutenants, while Senior Enlisted generally take out their own suffering and marital problems on the midshipmen. The average Naval Academy midshipman is a bro and drinking is a competitive sport. Service selection is based fifty percent on how well you hide your flaws from the public as well as general butt kissing. Alumni love the Naval Academy because their brains have blocked out the negative memories and only left the positives.
"I went to the United States Naval Academy, I loved it!"
"Really? Why?"
"Uh, Its great!"
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A three day bogus party of want-to-be beauty queens meeting in Jamaica that pretends to be associated with the United Nations, but is in no way associated with it. Contestants do important volunteer work, such as get their picture taken while wearing a crown and holding a puppy. Any one can enter if they pay the entrance fee. The winners are called ambassadors.
beauty pageant United Nation Pageant United Nation International Pageant Ms Elite United Nation beauty contest
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The quickest way to lose expensive packages.
I think I'll use the united states postal service.
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The United Nation Global Defense Was Created in 1987 in order to take down communist organization or terrorists groups the United Nation Global Defense Is one of the the few organizations that is made by international forces all around the world most of the troops are from the United States Military Forces, The United Kingdom Special Forces and The German Elite Forces This organization has taken down a lot of terrorists groups and communist groups or rebellions this organization is a prime example of how much we can do to prevent global wars by working together.
In 1987 a new organization was created one that hope that would prevent and stoo global wars and terrorist groups one that showed hope during the third world war between the capatalist and the communist one that would bring world peace and it was called The United Nation Global Defense.
A religion that meets on Thursdays.
~Church Rules~
You have to have a cat to be a member of this church.
For communion there's eggnog and Christmas cookies.
The Twilight books (by Stephenie Meyer)are the Holy Books.
You will be burnt at the stake if you own a
dog or anything besides cats.
You MUST own a Dane Cook shirt.
Sarah: Do you own a dog?
Random person: Yea, why?
Sarah: It's going to hell along with the birds and the scorpions.
Random person: Umm...OKAY
Sarah: Merry Christmas from The United Holy Church of Santa!!!! *twitch twitch*
Random persom: What the @%^# *walks away wondering if she has tourettes or something*
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A groups of narrow minded, right winged Fundie Catholics and Protestants who hang aroung trolling their whole gospel of legalism, dumb rules, and hate towards those who believe differently. Their creed goes as such
1. The belief in everlasting hell of conscious torment for those who dont believe or behave exactly as they are told to is the most important doctrine.
2. It is justified to degrade another under the excuse of just trying to save them.
3. Your holy duty is to thumbs down anything supporting Universalism, annihilation, reincarnation, or a non-dogmatic system of theology.
4. It is a major sin to say anything about the church of Yahoo's behavior
5. Anyone who disagrees with them is in fact persecuting them.
6. You have the business to evangelize in categories people ask questions in, despite the fact they are trying to get away from you, but despite the problems, continue.
7. Be always ready to cover up any evil things you do, for you were doing good.
United Church of Yahoo Answers
Question: What is Buddhism?
UCYA answer: A path leading to everlasting hell.
Such examples include the leading cult members are CJ/Chris/David, No Chance without Jesus, Daver, Lynn, Dear Dogma and Gods Servant.
UCYA David/CJ/Chris-"blah blah blah is a cult leading to eternal hell".
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