Source Code


Terminology pertaining to a subject or
Thematic that influences a whole group, an idea or a popular trend.

“that whole clique is so Mean Girls Coded
“Her outfit is so Coachella coded

by Glit January 22, 2024


To be more than 5 minutes late to your scheduled shift.

Oh snap, my mans coded.

by b123m December 21, 2018


When someone plays guitar and there are too much notes to play they step back and enjoy a fine drink

Guy 1: "So Streamer one was playing Rocksmith 2014 last night and he did a coded"
Guy 2: "What did he drink while he was stepped back, coke and whiskey?"

by DraaiStoel November 12, 2019

Mormon Code

If someone is having gay thoughts they need to turn them off like a light switch.

I started having thoughts of Jared. Luckily I followed the Mormon Code! homo bad

by Queen of the anal April 15, 2016

Mormon Code

If someone is having gay thoughts they need to turn them off like a light switch.

I started having thoughts of Jared. Luckily I followed the Mormon Code! homo bad

by Queen of the anal April 15, 2016

G code

A woman, that is the recipient to a gang bang, or a Male that is the recipient to a threesome

1) you know tasha, I heard she a g code

2) my girl supposed ask her friend for a threesome, I'm trying to get G coded

by KingShock July 5, 2018

friend code

the thing that Nintendo Switch users hate


by ceo of sex March 7, 2021