Source Code

bless it up

A term used to tell someone to pray before an event.

bless it up so we can eat.

by Mr.cornbread December 7, 2016

3807πŸ‘ 1302πŸ‘Ž

pony up

Pay up; pay the two dollars.

We've been drinking for two days. Now it's time for you to pony up your share.

by octopod February 8, 2004

171πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

Yaffed it up

v. Yaffed (rhymes with laughed) use in place of fucked. Describes the general screwing up of something.
The word originates from the last name of an MIT professor who continually yaffes things up

n. yaffer: like a jack in the box, but is hideous and has two different ears. also can mean asshole

You are such a yaffer!

I yaffed it up

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what am I looking at?"
"A yaffer"

go yaffe yourself

by yaffe lab July 6, 2006

76πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Word up

It’s the code word. No mater where you say it you know that you’ll be heard.

β€œWord up homies”

by Grant Hansen August 26, 2018

42πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

beat up

1) (v) To injure physically in a fist fight.
2) (v) To have sex with (a woman).
3) (adj) Extremely ugly, as a person.
4) (adj) Old, weather beaten, and in tatters.

Getting beat up by that sumo wrestler and being run down by his beat up '85 Chevy Nova was quite a price to pay for having beat up his crack whore girlfriend, who ended up looking pretty beat up when I finally sobered up. Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit popping Vicodin.

by Nick D August 12, 2004

228πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž

Shut Up

Another way of saying, "you've won the arguement, but I'm not going to admit it".

Girl: Why are you speaking in a French accent?
Guy: Because I'm speaking French...
Girl: Shut Up.

Guy 1: That girl is such a slut!
Guy 2: No she's not; she's had one boyfriend in the past year and didn't even have sex with him
Guy 1: Shut Up.

Wife: Do you want the big half or the small half?
Husband: That's impossible as two halves would be of the same mass, so a larger/smaller half is not possible
Wife: Shut Up.

Student 1: From now on, If anyone comes into this lesson they are marked as late
Student 2: I don't think that's your decision to make
Student 1: Shut Up.

by Maggot Carrier July 6, 2009

826πŸ‘ 273πŸ‘Ž

Whats Up?

What is happening wiht you, How are you, whats going on?
Something that LouAnn doesnt understand.

Usual response: Nothin Much
**Do not reply 'HI' or with another 'Whats Up'**

A common phrase that most people understand & use each day.

Carl: Hey Dude
Mark: Hey Whats up?
Carl: nothin much
Mark: Cool

by Ednabrowneye13 January 18, 2009

426πŸ‘ 130πŸ‘Ž