Someone who possess a bulging bum, almost resembling a full diaper.
Man Josh has a major dumper bottom going on. Wonder if his mother forgot to change him this morning.
A lovely lady booty that subtly drops out da bottom of her shorts. Best executed in high rise high waist denim sneak-a-cheeks.
Damn bro! You see the blond with the drop bottom walk past? Yes, of course the one with the smoothie in her hand...
"Pound and finger the dough at frst , warm it up ,
make it moist and heat it up in your oven or
'her" oven ,
and then repeat over and over till it it turns moist with your finger,
and when hungry it become delishy oh! "bottom Cake"
colonial times : "Well said , Old Fellow !,Victoria had a nice moist "bottom cake " and it was nice , But "Cecilia"....Had the most "moist" "bottom cake " and it was off the chain...
had it every single night and went back to church with the horses on sunday near the harbor..AH yes, those were the good ol here "
Person 1:im gonna have some oatmeal put in a blender with rice in the bottom :person 2: ewww
Person who gets turned on by being insulted
Person A: man you're so useless, a fucking disease go away
Person B: fuck that's so hot daddy do it again
Person C: oh hes a bottom dlc
When a bottom/submissive person does a keyboard smash out of confusion or from being flustered.
Person 1: ahgkgrtgregdsfgvgnrtrwegt
Person 2: lol you respond with a bottom blast so often i can predict when they happen
Person 2: yeah called it lmao