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Russian Party Cracker's

Russian party cracker's, or RPC, is a game usually played at celibratory events.
To play Russian party cracker's, you need to get 2 standard issue confetti style poppers.
Tie the 2 trigger strings together, then challenge your friend or colleague to a game of Russian party cracker's.

Each contestant is to take the barrel of their popper and aim it at their face. Then on the count of three you pull your barrel or end, as you would with a traditional christmas cracker, and the victor is declared to be the one who's face is not covered in confetti.

Other variants include Spicy Russian party cracker's, in order to play this variant you need to load the barrel containg the confetti with hot sauce.

Ahhhhh daaaaammmnnn, I got done in the eye again whilst playing Russian party cracker's.

by JAMBALLZ September 21, 2011

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Slightly burnt cracker

Hispanic version of burnt cracker

Slightly burnt cracker

by Illuminuttipuddy June 7, 2019

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Cracker Jack cop

a cop who is so shit at there job they abuse there power and use the laws against good citizens.

your a cracker jack cop fuck.

by wizwiz May 21, 2021

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Mississippi Cracker Slapper

Originated in Mississippi, the Mississippi cracker slapper was named after an old woman that beat her husband, which happened to be a cracker.

You should've seen that shit man, Froggy gave that nigga Chase a Mississippi Cracker Slapper.

by Oliver Clothesoph November 8, 2017

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Insta-Graham Cracker

1. A white guy who uses Instagram constantly.

2. A graham cracker iced to look like the Instagram logo.

Girl: Do you see Ryan? He's so hot, but he's such an Insta-Graham Cracker!
Guy: More like Insta-Whore. He just does it to score with Jessica.

by MyUsernameIsAlreadyInUse November 25, 2014

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townhouse cracker ankles

A white ankle looking similar to a stack of Townhouse crackers.

For black chicks, it's there similar to a stack of rye chips.

Damn girl, you got some crazy ass Townhouse cracker ankles.

After seeing that black chick naked last night I really wanted some rye chips from looking at her ankles.

by Mt Dewsky October 18, 2007

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Sniff'n peckers for crackers

The act where one individual sniffs a male's anatomy for the reward of a cracker.

John: I have a bad taste in my mouth, can I borrow your toothbrush?

Jim: What, you been sniff'n peckers for crackers?

by Tollhouse April 11, 2008

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