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I don't have the facts to back this up

A phrase said prior to any ridiculous statement to give the illusion of validity.

"Now, I don't have the facts to back this up, but I believe Herman Cain was born in Indonesia."

by Notwhoyouthinkitis October 7, 2011

gonna have you naked by the end of this song

The last lines of a Justin Timberlake song. May or may not be accompanied by a large black breast.

Watch the halftime show for Super Bowl XXXVIII

by Dave S. February 5, 2004

72👍 7👎

I have a better question: WHY is gamora?

A Marvel® Caracter

Marvel® Caracter 1: Where is Gamora?
Marvel® Caracter 2: Who is Gamora?
Marvel® Caracter 3: I have a better question: WHY is gamora?

by God gave His only son for us! November 10, 2019

I believe you have my stapler

Quoted from Milton Waddams in Office Space.

Now seen (and parodied heavily) by the site that gave you You're The Man Now Dog

I believe you have my stapler?

by Mister Ignorant June 18, 2004

644👍 88👎

Do u have games on ur phone?

This sentence is used normally from a yougen within the age of 5-9. Many young children get drop kicked after asking this question.
Do u have game on ur phone?

Child: "Hey Laila"

Me: "What do you want now"

Child: "Do u got games on ur phone?"

Me: *violently drop kicks yougen out of my room*
Do u have games on ur phone?

by "I AM GETTING TRIGGERED" -Drew February 23, 2019

91👍 10👎

Your mother should have swallowed you

You are sperm. Sperm is what fertilizes the egg, creating you. When people say this, they're saying your mother should have instead given head, and swallowed the sperm which was cummed in her mouth, instead of having regular sex, and having you. You are that sperm, so if she would have swallowed the sperm, she would have swallowed you. It's basically like saying your dad should have had sex with a condom...if someone tells you this, they're calling you a mistake, and looking down on you as a useless lifeform. It's actually a very clever line if used as an insult.

"You was never shit, your mother should have swallowed you" - Big L in a freestyle session in '98.

by PlatinumBD August 25, 2009

278👍 42👎

I have read and agree to the terms of use

Pretty much the biggest lie on the planet. People usually see this message when trying to sign up for something or the other. People are supposed to actually read through the terms of use, but no one does. Useless waste of paper or pixels.

People who say they have never lied in their lives are probably lying right there. I guarantee that none of them have ever checked the "I have read and agree to the terms of use" box after actually reading the terms of use.

by sexytroll696969696969 June 23, 2011

60👍 6👎