word made up by dumb ass named Sandra
well plug in your ear jack phone
Feather ears is when feathers start coming out of ears, the feathers cause ringing and pain in the ears. If left untreated the victim will become deaf and in extreme cases die. This happens when the victim knows they are in a bad relationship but still are in the relationship, the more they listen to their partner the more feathers will come out.
“Did you know? Dallas is deaf because his boyfriend was abusive.”
“He got feather ears from that.”
Dick in your ear: When someone doesn't understand after one or two times of saying it.
Person 1: Hey. Sup?
Person 2: huh?
Person 1: Ya got dick in your ear?
Person 2: WHAT?!
Given to a person who is a frequent gossiper leading them to be whispered in their ear, letting them have "wet-ears"
Person1: "Alex is such a gossiper, they are so wet-eared."
Person2: " Yeah I don't know how someone can just do that."
the sexual act in which two females place there vulvas over your ears to create a ear muffing sensation
"jenavieve and Denise were over at the crib last night, somehow i found myself tied up to a radiator with with one hand in a ash tray and one hand on last nights chili. both with their pussy lips strapped on my ears. like a pair of beats by dre"
ear muffing "jenavieve and Denise were over at the crib last night, somehow i found myself tied up to a radiator with with one hand in a ash tray and one hand on last nights chili. both with their pussy lips strapped on my ears. like a pair of beats by dre"