A term of fluff bunny endearment.
Eg. "Night Night Noodle....x"
The code word for someone with a god complex and short temper when called out on it.
Dude 1: Hey, isn't that Jared?
Dude 2: Oh shit not Jared between you and me he's a noodles.
Dude 1: I completely forgot about that.
When someones dick gets chopped off by an angry ex-girlfriend and it looks like noodles.
Damn, homie! She chopped yo dick off, it looks like noodles.
what guys use when asking girls for nudes, or when they want to send you a dpic
“Hey, noodles?”
a very cool minecraft player that plays minecraft and abuses high ping and high cps . He is a decent boxing player on minemen club . You should subcribe to him on youtube !
no fucking way noodles just beat my ass