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Red Baron

The opposite of a wing man; when a friend or colleague intentionally or inadvertently cock blocks you while trying to pick up, by saying dumb or embarrassing things, or by just being an obnoxious douche, essentially shooting you down. Holding arms out like airplane wings is optional.

Guy 1: dude, why would you tell that girl I have mommy issues???

Guy 2: Red Baron!!!

Guy 1: You're such a dick.

by Combustalicious May 24, 2013

22๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Red Dawn

"When a woman wakes up early in the morning and discovers her period started in the middle of the night."

Sarah groaned on the way to the bathroom as she realized it was another red dawn.

by Certified Angus September 16, 2009

20๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

red sox

the single most arrogant team in baseball.


I keep hearing/reading about the Red Sox. How annoying. Why won't they go away?

by freaking a April 9, 2005

173๐Ÿ‘ 160๐Ÿ‘Ž

red toe

while a male and female homo sapiens are having sexual intercourse, the female has her menstrual cycle on the man's penis while having intercourse

Holy crap, your mom red toed me last night!

by AVManbussum April 9, 2009

37๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

red tide

A type of algae that uniquely grows red. Is a sign of unclean water.

The red tide has moved into the bay

by dtaps August 4, 2006

37๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

Red Sox

The most kick ass baseball team in the hisory of the universe!! The 2004 team managed to come back from a 3-0 deficit against the yankees during the play offs, and swept the cards in the actual series..... first time they won in E-I-G-H-T-Y S-I-X YEARS!!!!!

2004 Red Sox Spanked the Yanks, and Folded the Cards!

by Koala Beer October 31, 2004

472๐Ÿ‘ 466๐Ÿ‘Ž

red tape

When your boss hates your guts or envies your smarts that he requires you to go through an oppressively time-consuming sequence of procedures before you can get approval to do something, especially when you are filing for a vacation leave.

My boss sent me through a whole-day worth of red tape to get approval on a half-day vacation.

by ProblemEmployee June 18, 2008

68๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž