The act of ingesting something that disagreed with your stomach, resulting with an explosive shit so powerful, that it ricochets of the toilet bowl and lands on your butt cheeks, thus resembling freckles.
Murphy ate the Curry Chicken Special earlier, and it sounds like he has a case of the freckle shits.
So old and decrepit that you look like dinosaur droppings.
If she isn't as old as God, she' s at least as old as shit and about as usless.
The act of chronically defecating shortly before significant or even traumatic moments in one's life almost precognitive in nature. A foreboding bowel movement before shit goes straight to hell. Pun intended.
Ryan: "Yo you hear about that bomb threat at school this morning?"
Dave: "What? Dude I had the meanest feeling in my guts this morning before I left for the bus."
Ryan: " I think you have psychic shit, man."
9👍 -1👎
Taking a really disgusting dump in at someone else's house or in a public place.
"I just destroyed that bathroom."
"Shit capades are so much fun."
The shit moth starts it’s shitty life as a shit larva which grows into a shitapiller, and most commonly leads to a pandemic of shitapillers, you can try to exterminate them but in most cases you’ll fail, thus leaving you with shit moths.
Randy: “What are you doing Mr. Lahey?”
Mr.lahey: (Drunkenly) “Shit Moths Randy.”
Randy: “Shit moths?”
Mr. Lahey: (Drunkenly) “Shit Moths.”
Shitting liquid is where your bowel movements expelled substance is less solid than a chocolate milk shake, often as a resultant leaving the toilet bowl looking like an early Picasso piece. Severe cases and liquid professionals have been known to shit more on walls than in bowls
Hey man did you see in that toilet? Looks like someone is shitting liquid, yeah that arsehole has destroyed the bowl with that mad dump