National ignore Zai day ignore anyone with the name Zai
So basically you have to ignore any with the name Zai that's it The meaning of December 12
National give your girlfriend a hug day
Hey! It’s December 12th! Give your girlfriend a hug!
National call ur boyfriend “bro”
Gf: bro I love you
Bf: why did u call me bro?
Gf: it’s December 12
December 12 is national hug your girlfriend day
Emily:hey it’s December 12
Jacob:hugs her
National tickle your best friend day
Make em laugh make em laugh
“Hey bitch its December 12th!”
“Oh no”
the day that dukedepp/ willywonkatiktok was born.
do you know when duke depps birthday is?
no, when?
December 12 !
ohh that's cool haha
yeah lmao
Day you ask out your crush
Dave: Damn tony that’s my crush and it’s December 12th should I ask her out
Tony: yea go for it