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bop bop

a wholesum way to tell someone no without blatantly hitting them... a light pat on the back of the head causing them to be aware of ur already upset emotions.

i swear if you dont listen i will bop bop you on the head

by aphroditeness January 8, 2021

Bop bop

Bop bop - sexual intercourse.

A- what you doing tonight?

B- getting some moonshine around to bop bop

by Graciewf3 November 23, 2020

Bop Bop

Extra sloppy HEAD!!!

Me: Gimme some Bop Bop
Her: Gawk Gawk 😱

by JahQueefus July 20, 2018

sex bop

Sex Bop is what to describe a really good song, a bop, that also makes you want to get freaky and get down.

Have you heard Ariana Grande's newest sex bop?

Yas! She's the queen of sex bops.

by kaufmasd December 22, 2019

Bop bolocho

Bop bolocho bop locholo bo pobb olcho lob.

bop bolocho: bop lochbo olob bop:hco?
bo bolocho: ob. ob lochbo olob bop:hco.

by Maxwell Jebaited November 23, 2020

wiggity bop

A phrase used by legend Patrick Singh to describe literally nothing in existence its just used like boshklay bong bong but just wiggity bop yk?

*crossover* *hits a 3* WIGGITY BOPPPPPP

by andersonpobbers22nd son February 2, 2024



"~bop~ is god"

by prophet of ~bop~ September 20, 2019