A make believe place where bagged milk exists, and all it's inhabitants are mythological creatures.
Person 1 : "Did you hear the new kid is from Canada?"
Person 2 : "No way dude! That place is totally fake."
Nah, tell Jordan Peterson to go fuck himself. He's a charlatan and a liar and we need to bring back crucifixion.
Hym "No, what Canada NEEDS to do it 1. Implement a charlatans get shoved into a wood chipper. 2. No tariffs or we elect Trudeau again and you can deal with him for 4 years. And 3. Demand the tech homosexuals credit me and pay me for AI. That's what Canada NEEDS to do. Nobody give a fuck about what could be. Jordan needs to tell his daughter to keep her filthy slut daughter legs closed."
Average Murican Men:what’s Eh
Nerd: Eh means what I’m Maple syrup land aka Canada, Canada is a large nation with a whole lot of maple syrup
Maple Syrup Land (MSL)
Prove me wrong
Lil Jon Jon: Hey my brotha where you going
Average Canadian Man: Eh, going to Canada, Eh
Lil Jon Jon: you mean Maple Syrup Land
Land of Moose and important people with cool socks
Look at that guy riding a moose with his stormtrooper socks on, he must be from Canada.