A sexual position involving thumbs
"I told her I was gonna give her the Kentucky plug tonight"
When receiving deep throat and cum so hard you blow out her jugular.
What happened to your wife?
I gave her the Kentucky plug and the ambiance didn’t make it in time.
When it’s so rough that you’ve got to just shove your thumb in anywhere it fits.
Baby, tonight it’s gonna be so rough, you’re getting the Kentucky Plug
When your not so trusty .50 BMG decides that your the real target, the Kentucky Ballistics Patent-Pending Kentucky Plug will be there to keep your life juice on the inside of your neck. Meant to be done with that big ass thumb of yours, you know who you are...
Man I got shot in the neck the other day. Luckily I had learned of the Kentucky Plug technique after seeing a certain LiveLeak.
Wife’s frisky tonight, gonna see if I can give her the old Kentucky plug.
When a serious injury happens and a thumb or other cylinder shaped body part is used to plug up the injury. Or referred to as a sex position, when a man puts a finger or penis in a woman’s butthole. And some people who use this sex position are referred to as “donut operators”
“Yesterday her and I forgot protection so we had to use the Kentucky Plug.”