Source Code

Leaving on a Southern Train

There are many ways to define leaving on a southern train.
1. To be inject/be high from injecting heroin.

2. To listen to (and enjoy) Stone Temple Pilots.

3. To actually leave somewhere on a southern train.

1. Man, that steve guy is so leaving on a southern train.

2. "I'm listening to "Sour Girl", now i'm leaving on a southern train"

3. Joshuwa is taking a train from Cleveland to Atlanta, therefore leaving on a southern train.

by Steve Weiland April 9, 2009

13๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Midnight Meat Train

When a man becomes sexually frustrated with his wife's persistent refusal of sexual relations. As a result, he waits until his wife has fallen asleep, typically around midnight, and takes out his sexual frustration on her. Thus the midnight meat train arrives...

My wife fell asleep on me when she got home from work so instead of waking her up, I slipped her the midnight meat train.

by Apt D12 March 5, 2013

20๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Riding The H Train

having a heroin addiction, using Heroin

I can't donate blood, I'm Riding The H Train. I also have AIDS, but thats beside the point.

by Booger November 19, 2004

17๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Chicago "L" Train

when you apply condiments to your erect penis and then smash said penis into a woman's mouth

She said she never performed oral sex before so I had to give her a ride on the 'ol Chicago "L" Train.

by crush relish April 13, 2021

riding the 'O' train

Having sex.
More specifically, having sex to the point of orgasm.

"What were you up to last night? You didn't text back."
"Oh, I went over to Jake's and was too busy riding the 'O' train. Whoo whoo!"

by mexivanilla November 14, 2014

two trains running

Two men having sex with one woman.

Originally coined by the musical group Little Feet.

There were two trains running. One of them was my friend's and the other was mine.

by vindex parsley April 9, 2011

Speedy Trains And Aviation

Singapore train fapper who likes to have sex with platform screen doors

Person 1: why isn't the platform screen door opening?
Person 2: oh that's because Speedy Trains And Aviation jacked off to it yersterday.

by alvinkanglikesdicks March 2, 2023