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one of the hottest people ever, she is so kind and wonderful <3

omg i love simp.4.harrystyles too she's amazing

by roxxyyy June 20, 2021

4 e farms

Child labour camps consisting of non fertile soil, and dirty shmeks, located in East Mersea tomato capital of the communist world, dictated by Edward and Tucker

4 e farms seen me disobeying the rules by eating more than one piece of bread and threw me in a consentration camp

They put saw dust in my bread mix

by Pussy wrecker69 November 2, 2013

1/4 korean

Is when you or your friends grandfather was in the military stationed in korea and brought home a little more than a souvenir keychain. (Aka your grandmother) this most likely occurres on the mother side

Wow you're 1/4 Korean too?

by Muchmaddi September 3, 2017

4:51 am

That time of night you find your self wasting away your life and realize the next day will be painful with the 3 hours of sleep you will get.

Oh shit it’s 4:51 am. Better put down those vegan chicken nuggets and go THE FU*K TO BED YOU FAILURE

by Notactuallyvegan February 4, 2018

4 ringed asshole

Audi driver

That 4 ringed asshole just cut me off

by Skyji December 15, 2019

4 foot carrot

It is a orange triangle object that can block traffic or be used at construction sites. They are also know for being stolen by people

The 4 foot carrot blocked the car passing.

by Hey uncle April 10, 2021

PlayStation 4 Pro

Arguably the greatest game console of all-time. It even has a feature where you can shove your dick in the disc drive and it sucks you off, so you can divorce your wife.

My mom just hanged her self in front of me, but who cares? I own a PlayStation 4 Pro!

by PS4 Pro is awesome June 27, 2018

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