MD 20/20 or Dug is a tonic wine, which is highly popular in Scotland. As it is quite easy to drink and is a high alcohol percentage.
Mate, have ee tried that strawberry dug. It's suhin else.
Oh. Dug (MD 20/20). Yes it's very different.
A direct result from hot girl summer started by the goat toxic future to show we not simpping over these hoes anymore and we won’t let them get away with anything anymore
Yeah bro I’m done being a simp it’s time for toxic 20
A man the does sexual acts with man/woman for 20 dollars
I went to visit the 20 dollar man again last night.
A person who has been high before but has never celebrated 4/20
Person1: have you ever celebrated 4/20 before?
Person2: Nope.
Person1: Wow you're a 4/20 virgin.
The way 2020 has pretty much ended
The number 20 as just unluckiest
The thing 20,
20 years from now, do you remember what happened in 2020, yeahhhh the thing 20
A way people from Putrajaya say: “Graveyard” because there’s a graveyard at Presint 20
Aishah: Husna tahu ke Putra kat mana?
Husna: Tak tahu, kat Presint 20 kot.
Aishah: Husna, do you know where Putra is?
Husna: I don’t know, he’s maybe at Presint 20
“Damn did you see how fast he passed us?”
“ yeah bro he was going fuck 20”