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Guy1: Man I hope my website isn't like Youtube, or turns into Youtube.

Guy2: Me too, if it does kys.

Guy1: Ofc

by The_Real_Hoe_Magnet February 16, 2022


Definition A: An action of offensive and pointless stupidity; a person who acts with offensive or pointless stupidity.
Definition B: An action of inoffensive or purposeful intelligence; a person who acts with inoffensive or purposeful intelligence

Person A: *farts loudly in the elevator* "IT WAS I!"
Person B: "Oh you're such a YouTube!"
Person A: *holds elevator door open for Person B* "Hey, what floor are you going to?"
Person B: "Oh, you're such a YouTube, floor 4 please."

by Iferion January 25, 2023


Arm-pit of the Internet controlled by corporate scumbags.

The videos are usually decent quality. Some are amazing but some are piss-poor quality though.

Home to some of the most redundant and annoying comments you'll ever find.
Comments are usually written by people who need attention.

Don't even think of trying to post your opinion. People will try to argue with you with their terrible grammar and poor temper
On a music video:

Ghosty: Wow I love this band, I remember when this song came out back in blank

Nick Smith (default profile): I don't like this band too much. They're alright though.

Ghosty: I ✨✨ fuking ✨✨ hate you bich. 🌺

Nick Smith: ..What? You shouldnt be on youtube if you're gonna act like that.

by diamondboy5860dictionary August 15, 2021


demonetization galore

Do you watch YouTube?

Yeah my channel got terminated after I showed 5 seconds of my feet on a desk.

by Veridicule June 21, 2019


Subscribe to Nitod

Lets watch Nitod on Youtube.

by Nitod October 21, 2020


Lazarbeams worst nightmare

Lazar: I fucking hate u demonetization!And u YOUTUBE

by AldePenetrate November 13, 2019


This is for you idiots who don't know what it means.

you = You, As in many ways like, YOU are watching YOU are making YOU are recording and stuff like YOU are uploading.

tube = Just like the format of youtube and tub-e makes it seem like a tub and the format is like a tub if you were watching youtube you would find out the logo is red and has a play button, It looks like a tub so it seems like all they did was add an e on the end.

I am watching youtube
I am recording for youtube
I am reading comments on youtube

by WordWgd April 6, 2018