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Has the biggest cock a gurl can ask for. Gives steam cleaners to attractive bitches an amazing boyfriend kisser and loves only one bitch at a time he may seem stupid and annoying but under all that he is smart athletic and a nice guy

God she played with brandons heart what a stupid bitch

by Epic gaymer 2345 November 25, 2018


A fuqboy

U can tell that guy is a brandon

by Farts and poops February 11, 2016


A neckbeard who will sue you if you insult him

Brandon is a fucking retarted

by Lol your a nigga June 9, 2020


>Brandon - That one otherwise decent guy you know, who just can't keep his word for **** and always ends up canceling last second.


>to pull a Brandon - Canceling an appointment last second.

"Wait, where's Bran... Ohh, he pulled a Brandon again, didn't he?"

"Yea, who would've thought.. Just got a text, he won't be coming."

by DivineKNG October 14, 2019


A little fucker who is fat as shit

Brandon is a little shit

by My buyer Burt April 3, 2018


Crackhead cunt and is a bit of a prick.

Wow he’s on his 10th line of md, must be a Brandon

by Gstens March 14, 2019



Brandon’s dad went pizazz.

by BigShlongLary May 20, 2019