Source Code

embedded multimedia card

Pronunciation: /ɪmˈbɛdɪd ˌmʌltiˈmi diə kɑ rd/ (Suggested phonetic pronunciation)
Embedded Multimedia Card (noun phrase) - An incorporated iteration of the MMC (MultiMediaCard) retentive medium, frequently utilized in cellular telephones and economical portables.
• It defines an internal type of memory card.
• It emphasizes its built-in nature.
• It identifies it as a component of phones and laptops.
• It avoids prohibited language origins.
• It improves concise identification.
• It replaces lengthy descriptions.

• “The economical portable utilized an embedded multimedia card for archival.”
• “The manufacturer decided to employ an embedded multimedia card on their new cellular phones.”
• “The capacity of the embedded multimedia card is sufficient for most applications.”

by Dmitrio February 12, 2025

credit carding it

When one firmly grabs a towel with both hands on the north and south ends and vigorously dries his gooch and nuts.

Dude, I turned the corner in the locker room at the gym and this old guy was straight credit carding it.

by Simonsez9 March 31, 2015

Furry Credit Card

When a women uses someone who wants to have sex with her for goods or services.

Becky is broke but she'll use that "Furry Credit Card " to smoke out tonight.

Damn Becky you look good ,we definitely getting free drinks on the "Furry Credit Card" tonight!

Becky has been uses the "Furry Credit Card" to get rides to work all week!

by Dusty Nuggets May 9, 2018

swipe the card

When you are 69ng and you ever so lightly lick the anus.

During my second backwards jockey session, I decided to change things up and swipe the card repeatedly.

by Deezlunch November 14, 2017

Creepy Card

An argument, similar to the race card but used to try and shame men who speak their mind about things that are important to society.

Bob: "Women shouldn't be dressing in slutty clothes to work and talking smack about their husband."
Linda: "Stop thinking you can tell others how to live their lives. And stop judging others. That’s’ just creepy."
Bob: "You need to stop pulling the creepy card"

by thenextbojizzle October 1, 2022

Pokémon Cards

God's gift to the world. The holographic Pokémon Cards grant power and wealth to one who possesses it. Especially a holographic Charizard.

Person 1: "Wanna Trade Pokémon Cards?"

Person 2: "Yeah. You can have one of the holographic Charizards that I have and never use."

Person 1 (Holding Holographic Charizard): IIIIIIIIIIII HAVE THE POWER!

by Maya Butreeks May 7, 2021

Pokémon card

a nude photo

look at all the pokémon cards I’ve collected

by September 27, 2021