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tribal dances

The dances that black people and wannabe black people do at certain gatherings that involve dancing, such as school dances, clubs, and even on the street. These "dances" are random movements of the body that look completely retarded as if they are having a seizure with style, but unfortunately everyone thinks it's cool because they are black. Black girls tend to do this the most, while their friends watch and say the phrases "that's hot" and "OOOoooooOOO straight goods". The word "tribal dances" originates from the greek/latin word "tribalous o dancenous" and "dumbassous o dancingmoronous"

Those idiots are tribal dancing.

"Steph, why are they still tribal dancing?"

by The Champ May 8, 2004

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Dancing Torrets

When a person is normal walking or just doing any activity like shopping and as soon as they here a song, they break out dancing.

Allison has "Dancing Torrets " as she was shopping for shoes ,then she heard usher playing and she randomly start dancing in the store. She has "Dancing Turrets" Syndrome

by darkdadi January 2, 2009

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Dancing is Forbidden

The concept of refusing to bend over for authority, or become a dancing puppet to be mocked and pitied.

Also refusing to participate in a group activity because it either looks foolish, or you don't want to succumb to group pressure.

They said to dance now but I didn't, 'cause dancing is forbidden.

by Dancing is Forbidden April 2, 2006

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slam dancing

Slam dancing is a XxXhardcoreXxX form of moshing done at local shows when fast music is playing. If you don't slam dance, you're a pussy. The most popular moves consist of the "floor punch", the "two step", the "creepy crawl", "spin kick", "xback-swingx", etc... You basicaly have to pretend you're a ninja and you're fighting invisible people in a nearly empty circle (because everyone is too pussy to slam dance).

Yo dude! Have Heart is playing a show saturday!!! I can't wait to do some slam dancing to their music!!

by Joe Bob February 20, 2005

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dance of the urbans

when after you kill somebody on halo 3, you run up and teabag them repeatedly while spinning around in circles at the same time

Player #1: "Dude i feel so humiliated."

Player #2: "Why?"

Player #1: "Because Holy Lemon Kid just did the dance of the urbans on me."

by Holy Lemon Kid January 21, 2008

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yak dance

When 2 or more black girls with 4 inch long fingernails, red lips, braided hair and tight jeans start verbally abusing each other, usually over a male.

"Bitch no! Don;t you be fuckin wit my man y'all! Don't make me start to yak dance! shit! Mothafucka stay away from dat boy girl!'

"Bitch don't fuck wit me! I kill you! I kill you!"

by Alyssabitches March 12, 2008

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Hardcore Dancing

ok im kinda sick of people bashing "dancing".. if u know how to dance, then dance..quit making a big deal out of nothing....if u truly love hardcore....you can feel the adriniline rushing during a breakdown, and you want to dance, then dance

as u can tell i love harcore

by jeff calley August 15, 2005

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