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Needle Brain

A person with a needle sized brain meaning they do not have the ability to think like a normal human being.

Guy1: I'm gonna pull tonight

Guy2: *Tugs rope*
Guy1: Not like that you needle brain!

by BLEEDINGREDDRAGO December 27, 2012

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Cum brain

When you’re in a mental state of horniness and you can’t think straight. Usually the stage before post nut clarity.

Sarah: *out of breath* Did you say you loved me?!?
Bobby: *also out of breath* Oh shit my bad I had cum brain. Sorry I wasn’t thinking straight.

by iamanthonydean January 15, 2021

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Calvonic Brain


to have a brain as perverted and twisted as Andrew Calvo
considered to be an insult

term coined by Dan Aymat

guy 1: dude, would you rather have to bite your mothers ovaries out, with your bare teeth, or have a huge black cock shoved up your ass?

guy 2: dude, you have such a Calvonic Brain

by slushybear January 14, 2010

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A person who could be very well-informed and high-functioning, possibly even quite intelligent in certain areas, but is an idiot nevertheless. Usually a smooth-brained person has never thoroughly examined their beliefs, is generally susceptible to ideology, and has enjoyed a relatively comfortable life free of struggle or adversity.

Smooth-brained can also describe an article, film, or any other piece of content that presents a view of the world that betrays the author's complete alienation from any of the material conditions that define most peoples' lives.

Can also be used as a noun, for example: smooth-brain.

Did you read the latest smooth-brained think piece about rising division in America?
Nah, I can't even read that both-sides bullshit.

by SBCP October 9, 2021

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Brain AID

You have got Brain AID dude WTH

Me:I just throw diamonds in lava
Friend:do you have BRAIN AID? Why would you do that?

by FactzMan69 June 22, 2019

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Brain Splinter

Song or Thought stuck in your head all day

That darn song has been my 'Brain Splinter' all day & I can't get it out

by PinkMinkPrincess June 1, 2015

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Brain Diarrhea

A severely worse version of a brain fart. When you do or say something extremely stupid or forget something everyone and their mother knows.

Dude, when I was taking that test, I had a really bad brain diarrhea.

by Commander Jacob August 27, 2017

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