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Dick Sucking Lips

Usually a female who has lips so perfect and full, they look as if they should be wrapped around a dick right now. Usually with high gloss lip gloss coated on them.

Damn, is that cum or lip gloss on Keisha's beautiful dick sucking lips

by Phred May 23, 2004

2121๐Ÿ‘ 424๐Ÿ‘Ž

dick lips

when someone's lips looks like the head of penis

People called him dicklips cuz his dick looks like his lips

by PiMp MaStA February 22, 2003

11๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž

Philisophical lip service

A person giving "philisophical lip service" is someone who elaborates about specific ways, principles and ideals that one should live by, but they themselves do not implement these beliefs in their own lives.

One person in a crowd that will use "philisophical lip service" to control the conversation by insisting that their beliefs are the ways to live by. They do not take others' opinions and ideas into consideration, shutting down any input by others, however they themselves do not practice in their own lives what they preach. In essence, a hypocrite who is a self centered egotistical, self rightous asshole

by philisophyinpractise May 5, 2011

Kissing the Big Lips

Slang term for cunnilingus , esp. when performed from behind with woman in doggy style position.

I got tired of making out with my boyfriend, so I told him it was time for Kissing the Big Lips!

by LipsKisser February 3, 2018

Stiff upper lip.

Meaning you must keep your composure in all situations.
Be tough.

Hailey : I miss you daddy -cries-
Dad : "Stiff upper lip." baby, we'll get through this.

by Nannerpus February 16, 2009

103๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Victor Kissy Lips

Victor (from Yuri!! On Ice) has a moment were he kisses people and this is known among the yuri on ice community as a Victor Kissy Lips moment. This is an important nickname as it specifies Victors has moments were he kisses people eg: Yuri

Victor kissy lips can also be uses in scenes were he is being sexual or nude

Weeb 1:You watched Yuri on ice??
Weeb 2:Yes what is the best Victor Kissy Lips moment in it, of course in your opinion
Weeb 1: Oh i LOVE the hot springs moment where you can see his a$$
Weeb 2: same!!

by VictorKissyLipsFan January 13, 2021

Louisiana lip lock

A blow job.

She put a Louisiana lip lock on my love pork chop.

by Willieg69 March 23, 2012

16๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž