Source Code

Scientific name for polar bear

Trust me, you wouldn't stay sane after you search it.

Troll: Hey, search the scientific name for polar bear.
Dumb: Okay. *searches* Its scientific name is- OH SH*T IT'S- *f**king dies*
Troll: *trollface*

by amogusamoguseverywhere August 20, 2021

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Ur Mommy Named Tommy

Even worse than your granny tranny. A sacred phrase

Jack: Ur Mom Gay
Shawn: Ur Granny Tranny
Jack: Ur Mommy Named Tommy{

by Whalee March 13, 2018

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User Name Music Enthusiest

By definition a "gay-fag-queer"

You know that guy who signs the defintions as Music Enthusiest, I heard he loves the cock

by Mike October 22, 2003

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When someone's name isn't Paul but you call him Paul, he might say WHY IS MY NAME PAUL

I called him Paul and he said WHY IS MY NAME PAUL

by K Marie B January 18, 2021

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Don’t name your friends

Oh wait i don’t have any, fuck…

Please Don’t name your friends even though you would still ignore this rule

by Niromani May 27, 2023

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Say his/her name!

You've heard the chant right? What it sounds like you're insinuating is that they're supposed to be chanting MY name.

Hym "Is that a thing? When they're chanting the 'Say his/her name!' shit it's supposed to be 'IAM HYM! IAM HYM!'? That would have been dope. I feel a little robbed though... I feel robbed out of my minions... I wanted to wield them against my foes. Instead some retard is making them paint streets and tip cop cars. He's wasting perfectly good minions. And some of them are hot so I could be fucking the hot minions. This whole thing has been a wash. *Sigh*"

Iam *Snoring*

by Hym Iam May 5, 2022

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<name of person> smells

if some1 has sed sumfin 2 u - then this is the get bak baby yeaaah

(you) "Hey Hannah(for example)!"
(them) "what?"
(you agn) "smells" <this could be followed buy alot of evil laughs>

by Da Fat Budda '03 November 6, 2003

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