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girl dad

dad's who have only daughters.

Kobe is the proudest Girl Dad ever!

by MsMaya64 January 30, 2020

87πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

Vanilla girl

A girl who exudes elegance. A girl that doesn't go all out to impress; her simplicity is her selling point.
A girl not afraid to embrace her femininity and looks good in anything because she feels good.
Just like vanilla icecream, after all your exploration you'll always come back.

There's something that draws me to her.
She must be a Vanilla girl.

by Style president September 6, 2022

33πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

fan girl

Typically a teenage girl with an obsession towards something: a show, movie, book, person, etc. There are three types of these fan girls:

Normal fan girl:
Perfectly normal girl, may even be pretty. Has an obsession, but keeps it to herself. Might read fanfiction, have a blog dedicated, several merchandise related to this obsession. Safe to approach.

Crazy fan girl:
Relatively normal girl, sometimes pretty. Really enjoys her obsession. May talk about it every once and a while. Reads fanfiction daily, and writes it. Dedicates 1-2 hours of her life to this obsession. Owns several pieces of merchandise. Cosplays every once and a while. Approach with caution.

Completely insane fan girl:
Needs to go to a mental facility, usually does not care about beauty in any way. Rarely pretty. Loves her obsession (typically anime) more than anything in the world. If you took away her internet access, she would retreat to her army of merchandise related to her obsession. But, after a few hours, would die of lack of fanfiction. Cosplays almost every weekend. Dedicates 6-7 hours of her life to her obsession. Spends the rest of it thinking/dreaming about it. If you encounter this type of fan girl, call the police immediately. DO NOT APPROACH.

Normal fan girl: "My favorite show is NCIS. I really like it. What's yours?"

Crazy fan girl: "OMG I love Harry Potter so much. My favorite character is Draco. I know he's a bad boy, but I can't help but love him. *SQUEE*"

Completely insane fan girl: "Hetalia is like the greatest thing ever. Look, I've got my Italia shirt on. I'll wear my bracelet and headband tomorrow, and I'll even bring in my stuffed Chibitalia collection to show you! It's the greatest show in the world. I stay up every night and just watch the episodes over and over and over again. Read all my fanfics. I've written over 2000! OMG *SQUEEEEE* Sorry, I just got some major feels. I ship so many different characters and, and *SQUEEEEEE* just thinking about them makes me want to write more fanfics. Let's be BFFs and talk about Hetalia all day long ^_^"

by limeade555 March 26, 2013

28πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Sub girl

Those girls that act cutesy, innocent, and submissive/younger in order to attract the astonishing large amount of guys who are into the innocent submissive girl vibe. Have softer, higher pitched voices. Pretends to eat way less than she probably does.

Annoys girls who see right through their act.

Echoes of anime girl stereotypes.

Annie was pretending not to know what anal sex was the other day. I think she’s a sub girl cuz she only pulled that shit cuz Zion was around.

β€œBitch, speak up, look me in the eye, eat a burger, laugh at a volume greater than level 2”-Said by a non sub girl to a sub girl

Did you see how she was acting like a little fucking kid and giggling and agreeing with everything he said? Yeah she’s a sub girl

Stop acting surprised as hell when I talk about sex stuff, I didn’t take you for a sub girl.

by Gottaketchemall March 14, 2019

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girl repellant

noun. Describes a male, typically young (15 - 35) who is interested to the point of total preoccupation with a hobby that bears the badge of geekdom. Examples include: Dungeons & Dragons, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Fantasy Role Playing Games, Science Fiction, Electronics. (It is important to explain that a mere interest in such things does not qualify a particular male, it is only the extreme preoccupation in such subjects that qualifies one as "girl repellant". Qualifying behavior would include dressing up as one's favorite character, attending conventions, or merely devoting an inordinate amount of time to said subjects.
Outlyer cases may also include an individual who displays a complete lack of athletic ability, but who has voluminous knowledge of sports trivia and statistics (note: there is a high correlation with success in fantasy sports leagues). Other correlations include an intellectually gifted male who is physically incapable of performing any athletic task. May also accompany social awkwardness, such as a bizarre laugh, strange mannerisms, public belching and/or an incredible lack of fashion sense (more so than the acceptable lack of fashion sense that nearly every straight male displays).

Those dorks who live down the hall are girl repellant. They're all dressed up in Chewbacca costumes heading to another convention.

by LAWDAWG08 August 30, 2008

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Snobby Girl

A very selfish, self-centered girl, usually pretty rich, who wears things like polos, anything argyle, juicys, and other things, and usually have a big house and lives in the suburbs, or suburban area, and goes to private or catholic school.

Man, that girl is so selfish, she is a snobby girl
She is really mean and rich, she is a snobby girl

by The Prepster Girl December 17, 2011

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black girl

the most beautiful races of women on earth and the most genetically diverse race of women!

"the black girl's chocolate skin, her full curly hair and her dark orbs oozed of gorgeousness..."

"her unique brain complimented her bewitching looks..."

by namjoonlovesblackgirls January 14, 2019

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