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National Long Nose Day

November 25th is national long nose day

I’m so excited for National long nose day

by Jade won clowney October 23, 2020

Rick James Nose Arobics

To snort cocaine

Todd: do you want to smoke pot tonight
Lucius: pot? Nah, son. I’m doing the Rick James Nose Arobics
Todd: what’s that?
Lucius: that’s snorting cocaine

by god_at_speeches June 27, 2018

beaver has a runny nose

Post-coital fluid seepage from the vagina.

After having sex, the next day when I go to the bathroom my beaver has a runny nose.

by KJzstiffy1 December 2, 2017

Put my nose up in it

A term used by southern gentlemen to describe the action they do when sniffing through a diamond. Usually followed up by forming a diamond shape with your fingers and acting out the sniff.

Im gonna eat cheerios out her butt and "put my nose up in it"

by bizdev6969 May 5, 2021

hueys big ass nose

huey has the biggest nose, btw sub to twitch.tv/huey

hueys big ass nose is bigger then saturn and you should sub to him

by G0DLy2425 August 18, 2022

rudolph the red nosed reindeer

when a guy goes down on a girl while she's on her period, and a lil blood gets on his nose, hence "rudolph the red nosed reindeer." Also known as giving someone a rudolph.

"WTF ho?!" "Sorry baby I didn't mean to give make you rudolph the red nosed reindeer!"

"She didn't tell me she was on her period, she gave me a fucking rudolph!"

by Father Christmas is a real OG July 7, 2009

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National big nose day

National big nose day is on September 16

National big nose day is for someone that's interested in anybody's opinion and thoughts

by Summer boy September 16, 2020

2👍 1👎