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angry bearded pirate

The exact same as angry pirate only not only do you ejaculate into her eye, you ejaculate on her face also, you then take out your (previously) shaved pubic hair and shove it on her face, using the semen as glue. you then proceed with the angry pirate and voila! an angry pirate with a beard!

(sucking noises)...(jizz in eye and on face)

girl: WTF?

(smother hair on face)

girl: WTF?? (stands up)
(kick in shin)

girl: arrgghaaow!

You: AH angry bearded pirate!

by 12432425 April 22, 2009

14๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Angry Bitch Pirate

When a girl is giving a guy head while he's standing up, he cums in her mouth and she spits it in his eye. He will let out a grunt after which the girl kicks him in his shin giving him a "peg leg" and watches him hop around like a pirate.

"Last night after I gave Jerry head I gave him an angry bitch pirate and spit that shit in his eye."

by Muttwilliams June 11, 2008

26๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

one eyed pirate

when receiving head, right before you cum, poke your lady in the eye, kick her in the shin and then gizz down her throat. resulting in a hop on one leg, one eye closed tight and a gargling arrhhhggg noise coming from her throat.

It was my amusement for the night when I made my girlfriend a one eyed pirate.

by Mckaytrio January 30, 2008

78๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž

butt pirate

When a guy, wearing a cupcake and skull t-shirt, comes up to a group of girls dancing with a token male friend. The guy then proceeds to make contact with the token male instead of the hot chicks.

What's the meaning of that cupcake shirt that guy was wearing when he was hitting on you? ... It means he is a "butt pirate"!!

by WildBill1991 August 5, 2011

1๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pirate Skank

1 - Someone who believe's that they are a real pirate and in actuality is just a skank

2 - An endearing pet name for couple that just have a good time

Mike: Matt you aren't a pirate, get over it! You're just a fucking skank!

Boy: baby you're such a pirate skank.
Girl: I know I love you too.

by YZpilot736 September 1, 2008

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wobbly pirate

a traveling trophy of a barbie doll that has been modified to resemble the above definition which would be earned for doing something worthy of recognition by your co-workers such as (1) telling the boss off, (2) bringing up anal sex to clients, (3) falling down in the office, etc

Shandy: "Did you see what Chad was wearing? His shirt said 'I love Sex' on it, they sent him home for the day"

Mora: "Yeah but he earned himself at least 2 weeks of the wobbly pirate"

by Wanda Palmer October 9, 2008

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pissed off pirate

while having sexual intercourse with a female, the male pulls out and ejaculates in the woman's eye. Simultaneously, he stomps on the woman's foot. This causes the female to hop on one leg while covering her eye like a pissed off pirate.

Origin: Latin

I gave her a pissed off pirate

by Stuphreak8 August 3, 2006

33๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž