Source Code

Rockstarred (R*d)

It is when you get disconnected with a variety of errors from the unreliable servers of Rockstar while playing Red Dead Online.

Oh man, this has to be the 1000th time i got Rockstarred (R*d) tonight.

I heard mike has been trying to join the game since last weekend, but he gets Rockstarred (R*d) every time.

by The CowPoke August 6, 2020

Memes R Us

comedy itself

Did you see that Memes R Us over there

by Memes Я Us March 18, 2021

L R Wilder

A person who thinks they are invincible. Someone who can talk the talk but has to be forced into walking the walk and always has it blow up in their face afterwards. This person usually thinks they are well liked and popular amongst many different groups of people but the minute they leave or are not around everyone trashes them and their stupidity in thinking so highly of themselves.

This person is usually unemployed and going nowhere in life.

"Im glad I am getting where I am going in life and am not becoming an L R Wilder.

Girl: I am the shit.

Boy: nah ur just an L R Wilder

by dowagiacMI January 2, 2012

Reverse R Kelly

1) when your mind is telling you yes, but your body is telling you no

2) when a middle aged woman holds the power in a relationship with a male teenager and uses that power dynamic to Engage in the act of urinating on said teenage boy during a sexual encounter.

1) mountain biker to another mountain biker “sorry to hold you up, I went full reverse R Kelly on that last hill climb

2) self explanatory

by Isthereanuntakenpseudonym September 6, 2019

r u mcserious

Slang. It’s another way of saying are you serious but only for former or current McDonald’s workers.

Hey we got 10 double cheeseburgers going out! R u mcserious?!

by B-rizzle February 28, 2019

Junior VMLY&R

Copywriter. Social sultan. Brings the insights and the fire to the content.

Junior VMLY&R writes the copy that gets the engagement.

by CDCD December 13, 2021


Tash = mustache. r-us = store. Basically a store where you can find wife-ticklers.

My wife was hiding from me the bill from tash-r-us.

by UDguest November 12, 2014