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the schcuyler sisters

"work work AnGeliCa, work work eLiZa aNd PeGgYYY the schuyler sistaaaasss." the most iconic and annoying song in HAMILTON

"Burr, you disgust me" "ah! so you've discussed me. Imma trust fund, baby you can trust me" -one of the schcuyler sisters

by wew555555555555555555555555555 January 20, 2021

Trumpet sister solicitor

A man with a trumpet touching you sister

Stop touching to me the trumpet sister solicitor

by Popguy December 16, 2022

Sister Act

Changing a religious hymn/carol's lyrics and beat to make it groovier, as seen in the movie "The Sister Act"

"Pentatonix really pulled a Sister Act on us"

by AlbyChu May 22, 2023

The Twisted Sister

When you take a woman into a restaurant bathroom for a blow job, and right before you cum, you twist her around and cum directly onto the back of her head and into her hair. You then rub the cum into her hair like styling gel, and make her look like Twisted sister.

After I turned the girl I met at the bar around and gave her the twisted sister, I immediately sat down on the toilet and started taking a shit while she was still in the bathroom!!

by Nrogers February 26, 2024

Little sister

A really fucking annoying person that is someone's younger sibling and is a girl at the same time. Usually annoys the shit out of their older sibling and the older sibling's friends.

Boy1: Holy shit, your sister is so fucking annoying.
Boy2: I know right? I wish I didn't have a little sister.
Boy1: Yeah, she always walks in on us when we're playing games and she never fucking leaves us alone.

by lolimaginebeingaretard March 25, 2023

Little Sister

You're probably here because you got into a fight with your little sister and so you searched this up to see what Urban Dictionary has to say for you. Well let's see...

A human being who has been tormenting you ever since it has appeared on this earth. Someone who has been annoying the crap out of you and getting you in trouble for no reason whatsoever. Someone who pretends to be a saint but in fact is quite the opposite. Nevertheless you still care about them even if you keep on telling yourself just how badly you want to slap that brat in the face, but without getting in any form of trouble though.

Person 1:

*Wants to use perfume*
*Sees that it's empty*
"Lili, what did you do with my perfume?!"
*Walks over to her bedroom*
*Notices little sister trying to hide something in a rush*
"What is that?!"
Person 2:

"I'm making a bubblegum scented air freshener..."
Person 1:
*Notices a cotton pad literally dripping with perfume with a small flower cellotaped to it*

"Are you insane?! You wasted all of my perfume!"
*Slaps her, just a little bit*
Person 2:
*Starts crying like as if she hit her so hard*

See this is what I'm talking about. They constantly annoy you until you can't hold yourself together any longer.

by BlueMoon~ November 2, 2021

little sister

slave; a girl who works for her older sibling unpaid

My little sister did my math homework for me last night.

by prosdvplayer February 16, 2025