Source Code

Chinese Space Dock

When two males attempt "docking" using a Chinese finger trap.

Tonight in the ER we had to separate two guys who tried the Chinese Space Dock.

by Onigato September 20, 2019

Space Cadet Glow

The feeling of being stoned, a mindless bliss.

To feel the warm thrill of confusion, that space cadet glow.

by Ringostarrfangirl August 8, 2022

Do not write in this space

Okay, I won't jot down any letters or numbers --- but I WILL make lots of meaningless scribbly lines and ink-smudges in it, so dat YOU can't write anything in dat space, either! PPPPTHTHTHTHPPPPPT!!!

Telling someone "Do not write in this space" on a paperwork-form is virtually a guarantee that he will seethingly scrawl all kinds of infuriated gibberish in that precious little space, especially if he is feeling resentful about having to feverishly fill out the stupid form in the first place ("Whatever happened to the Paperwork-Reduction Act?!"), just as posting a "No Smoking" sign or putting up a "Keep Off The Grass" placard often results in an INCREASE in said unwanted activity, rather than lessening it!

by QuacksO September 6, 2019

Seen From Space

"Seen From Space" can be used as an exageration to explain just how big a mistake, mess, crap, etc. seems

"I took a crap so big it can be seen from space!"
"That accident on the highway was massive. I bet you could see it from space!"

by Jaroslav January 19, 2006

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Space Racist

Someone who is biased against empty space or a xenophobe.

If you don’t like warehouses, I’ll declare you a space racist.

by Pessimistic_Urbanizer April 20, 2018

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deep space medicine

N: The medical specialty devoted to the health and well-being of space aliens. Like the veterinary practice, it tends to be harder than being a general practitioner for humans because of the number of alien races involved. DSM specialists often work with problems involving eyestalks, tentacles, alien skin disorders, alien mental health, and general wellness, as well as providing alien medications which are hard to get.

My Purplonian and Martian neighbors both see Dr. Tentacleez at the deep space medicine clinic in town.

by Purple Gurl March 21, 2011

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Fun on a bun in space

"Fun on a bun in space" is a term used to describe an activity one is engaged in that is fun on a bun and also in space.

Car chases are fun on a bun, but a spaceship chase is fun on a bun in space

by ovy May 17, 2010

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