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playing hard to get

what girls do when they want a guy but don't want to seem too easy to get..but sometimes it's not even worth it, because the guy might just give up. believe me.

shelly: what happened with you and brandon ?
samantha: i was playing hard to get, and he gave up. i guess i kept it up for too long

by tayloorr June 30, 2010

309πŸ‘ 61πŸ‘Ž

Hard Dickens Cider

Charles Dickens, the famous author who wrote "A Christmas Carol" was also a farmer.
As he wasn't a successful author until later in his life, he found it hard to make a living.
On his farm, he grew apples, cherries, and walnuts.
He would take his apples to market,but never had much luck selling all of them. Those that he didn't sell, he would make cider from.
He would take this cider to market, and it didn't sell to greatly either.
He then added a bit of brandy to this cider, and he sold every bottle of the first batch in less than 2 hours.

A star was born.

After a long day at work, ask your wife if you may get your Hard Dickens Cider, and it would make you feel better.

by timred December 17, 2006

54πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

drive a hard bargain

to expect a lot in exchange for what you pay or do

He drives a hard bargain, but we finally made a deal.

A: I would like to offer you $100 for your soccer tickets.
B: No.
A: $125?
B: No way.
A: $150?
B: Nope.
A: You drive a hard bargain. $175?
B: I will only accept $180.

by Saji Tall-b November 6, 2013

60πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

try hards

White upper-middle class brats who attempt to imitate the townie way of life (god knows why).

Although they will have been in private education for all their life, they will speak in a bastardised form of English, and will attempt to inform anyone who will listen that they were brought up on the council estates of Hackney.

See also cunt, dickhead, ben

"yeah, safe man, heavy"

by Fred February 29, 2004

4πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

Hard Hitterz

The baddest clan on socom.You mess with them, you get SHOWstopped

by Anonymous September 27, 2003

4πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

sexternal hard drive

An external hard drive that is used solely for porn.

Johnny: Hey man, my computer crashed and I lost all my porn. Do you have any that I can borrow?

Cash: Yeah buddy, I'll hook you up with my sexternal hard drive. It's got about 60 hours of goods on it.

by Champcar November 27, 2011

Hard rock nick

A video by drew gooden, guy pretending to be rich

Bro, those yeezys are fake as hell, he’s such a HARD ROCK NICK

yeah man, he is

by itshardrocknick June 1, 2019

146πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž