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coffee person/addict

An individual whose life revolves and is based on the concept of coffee. Is either an complete addict or requires some type of caffeine in a equivalent or exceeding amount to make up for the missing cup they did not get. In some extreme cases when an addict is encountered they might be extremely ill mannered towards you for the following: interrupting their beverage, not yet receiving sed beverage, and just not liking you or their day in general.

yes I am this person

Jack: Hey Kayla

Kayla: Well if was just fine before you opened joy sucking black hole called your mouth. Like wtf dont you see me trying to drink my coffee peacefully? Shit you just ruined my whole day!

Jack: Well....Im sorry...see you later

Kayla: Dammit I need another cup of coffee because one is just not enough to deal with this. Why tf did you just have to talk to me?.......You might see me later but pls for the love of all things good in the world dont talk to me!!!!!

Jack whispering: Damn coffee person/addict

by orgasmicknowledgespiter August 10, 2017

Person that i love

A girl who i refer to as dusty bun, swiper, an person that i love

Person: Why do you call her “person that i love
Me: its an inside joke

by justM0nica August 13, 2019

Monkey in a person suit

A person of sub par intelligence, to the extent that you have to assume they are merely a non-hominoid simian who has somehow aquired a human shaped, halloween costume.

Paris Hilton is a monkey in a person suit. Hell you can see the zip.

by Elburno October 3, 2011

Montessori Personality Disorder

Also known as MPD. This is a disorder occurring in children or adolescents that transition from a Montessori school to a traditional school. There are 2 types.

- lack of understanding social cues
- lack of math skills
- lack of general content knowledge (ie history, science)
- difficulty making friends

- trauma
- Type 1 specific symptoms: aggressive and or violent patterns of behavior, anger issues, overly literal thinking
- Type 2 specific symptoms: social withdrawal, social anxiety, overly abstract thinking

Treatment: rehab

Outlook: patients usually make a full recovery within 3-6 years if they have proper interventions.

Psychologist: “I’m so sorry I have to have this conversation today, I always hate telling such devastating news to parents.”

Parent: “does my kid have brain AIDS?”

Psychologist: “worse, your son suffers from Montessori Personality Disorder, my condolences.”

by Sacredfart February 20, 2023

The Sweetest Person ever

What's the sweetest person ever?

Well probably the person i wrote this for (az im looking at u)

Someone that's on an undeniable and beyond understandment of nice and accepting of other people

You're The Sweetest Person ever!!

by Vziwgucgorrr October 19, 2023

Hi random person

a word which makes no sense at all.

HI random person is murdering their friend

by hello person I do NO February 28, 2022

personality-free zone

someone that is totally devoid of a sense of humor.

Don't bother joking around with that auditor. He's a total personality-free zone.

by or2pod August 10, 2008