v. The act of crossing the street in a rascal scooter; often at dangerous times and resulting in injury to the rascaler or drivers.
Steve: Hey man, here about that wreck on Main St.?
Henry: No what happened?
Steve: Some fool was jay-rascaling across 4 lanes of traffice and caused a pile up.
Henry: What happened to the rascaler?
Steve: Dead, they are putting up a memorial.
Bay jays are amazing they love zounts and are some caring but we do get hate a lot but we have jasmine to get us though it ily jasmine
Jay Bae is the best bae in the world. She is straight and is not gæ no matter how many times you think she may be. Smexy, strong and amazing, Jay Bae will knock your socks off. Literally.
“Omg! Jay Bae, you’re so gay!”
“No I’m not.”
a white guy who calls a black girl mommy and edges her on to fuck him.
that guy over there is such a jay morris!
yeah he calls his girlfriend mommy!
this man has the biggest dick you will ever see hide yo wife hide yo daugerter cuz he will pull all them bitchs
omg its jay smart hide yo wife
man with the bigest cock and will pull any bitches
damm it jay smart he fine as hell come herelet me have sex with you
Tee jay is such a hot guy holy shit. He's super loud and has so much energy. He's a pretty chill guy with everyone, he also seems to talk to girls more than guys. He's normally popular or well known and every girl likes him. These girls think just because he waved at her that he likes her when really, he does that to everyone. He's normally good at volleyball and basketball and even badmington. He's probably the hottest guy in the grade. He acts gay as hell but i mean thats all the teenage boys. If you catch him looking at you, his eyes will bring you in a trance, theyre so mysterious and dark. He has the most amazing physique and most gorgeous eyes. You will fall in love. If he looks at you a lot, hun you may be in his interest.
Fucking in love with this guy.
Girl 1: Omg beth! Tee jay just waved at me, hes so into me!
Girl 2: dont flatter yourself, Tee jay does that to everyone, if he likes you he will look at you a lot, or so ive heard so keep your eyes peeled.