The Biggest and Toughest MF youll ever meet
“bro, luke t smith is scary asf😱😱”
“ikr, hes so huge and big”
the bushiest person you'll ever see
damn he has some bush what a smith bush
Anyone who say's they're "red-pilled" but doesn't know that The Matrix is a movie about being trans (and the process of transitioning) that was written by two trans women and the red pill itself is likely referencing Premarin (a common estrogen treatment in the 90's that comes in a red pill). Can also be used as "Smith."
Looks like Agent Smith started another podcast about how women don't like "nice guys." What a walking red flag.
Dude says something transphobic/misogynist/racist/wants a "debate" Ok, Smith, time to get blocked.
She is really beautiful and is the kindest person you will meet, she also has a fat ass not to rude.
Cadence smith is the cousin of Quandale dingle
He is short and cool Al ways plays fortnite 😎 most likely friend. Camden
Stuart Smith is cool
That one subsitute 20 year old teacher that will watch anime with you and play among us with you.
Girl 1: AWWW Miss heather smith has to leave I wish she was our teacher
Boy 1: Yeah! I was looking forward to play among us with her and watch demon slayer with her!
Miss Heather Smith: Did someone say .... Among us and.... Demon slayer. Hell yeh I'm staying!
the best boy I've ever met. He makes me smile whenever I'm sad and lights up the room everywhere he goes.
girl 1: "damn Ethan Smith be fine"
me: "back off bitch"