Have you ever been on an INTERNET CALL with other people. Only to discover a moody woman staring down at you.
The eyes watching you, they move. Soon, you realise you've been hypnotised.
This is the Moody Green Woman Painting Slut. Be ware.
Hey, did you have a meeting with the guy and the Moody Green Woman Painting Slut? Fuck me, what is that slut doing look at me, judging me, ruling my dreams. Save me from the Moody Green Woman Painting Slut.
A man who is afraid of his wife or girlfriend, so he obeys what she said
You're such a woman's dog. You abandon us when you get the girlfriend. Don't listen to what the woman said. Come and hang out with us.
Ripper is the ultimate womanizer on kik. Even though he's very dumb but somehow he manages to pick up the girls and then later claims that those girls are just his childhood friends. People think he's gay and is in a relationship with the group owner Stephen (the kik loser).
Look at that dude, he's a total kik womanizer.
(Noun) Rat Woman Yuri is when a Rat Woman gets into a queer-platonic, romantic, or sexual relationship with another (non-man) who may or may not also be a Rat Woman.
"I think Kasane Teto deserves a girlfriend, it would make great Rat Woman Yuri."
A shower you take super fast where you run into the bathroom, then you start spinning round and round in the middle of the bathroom floor, shedding your clothes in all directions as fast as you can. Then you jump into the shower where you start spinning round and round under the water getting clean as fast as possible. Then you jump out of the shower and dry off as fast as possible in the middle of the bathroom floor, and at the same time you are spinning round and round trying to get your feet dried on the floor mat by repeatedly wiping your feet onto the mat as you are spinning. Then you run into the bedroom and grab the new clean outfit you have picked out, and spin round and round getting it all onto your body as fast as possible.
The name is a direct allusion to a gimmick from the old 1970s "Wonder Woman" TV show starring Lynda Carter where the character of Diana Prince (the alias of Wonder Woman) would find a private place to spin around like a top, and then her regular clothes would get magically replaced by her Wonder Woman costume.
The term was coined in the early 2020s by a YouTube diet guru named Doctor Annette Bosworth, MD (aka Dr. Boz). She says she is very busy running four businesses, so she is often forced to take what she calls a "Wonder Woman shower" most days of the week, and then she explained what such a shower entails.
USE IN A SENTENCE: I had only 20 minutes to get to work, so I ran home and took a Wonder Woman shower, spinning around all over the place tearing my clothes off, spinning under the water, and then running around my room getting dressed in a whirlwind.
Opposite of man-mountain, a very muscular, or obese, or both, woman.
Look at the woman-mountain over there with the thunder thighs!